What Are KFTD’s Commitment to Prevent Corruption?

As the subsidiary of the oldest pharmaceutical company in Indonesia, PT Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution (KFTD) is always striving to increase its integrity against law violations, including corruption. The company emphasizes its stanceย  in several ways as a sign of commitment against corruption, which can damage the prosperity of the company.

Achieving an International Certification of Anti-Bribery Management System

KFTD succeeded in achieving a certification of ISO 37001:2016 regarding the anti-bribery management system. This international standardized system allows the company to prevent, control, detect, report, and handle the practice of bribery within the company, which is categorized as one form of corruption. This system also facilitates the company in conducting legal issue preventive actions, including anti-bribery planning, dissemination, and review meetings.

Conducting Several Legal Dissemination

KFTD provides the internal parties with several disseminations to increase the awareness of law compliance. On February 12th, 2024, KTFD held a dissemination ofย  the state official wealth report (LHKPN), which is known as one of many ways to prevent the practice of corruption. This dissemination was conducted together with KPK RI and attended by boards of commissioners, directors, and senior leaders of all entities of Kimia Farma Group, including KFTD. This activity was done to commit transparency and accountability in promoting a KKN-free corporation.

Another dissemination that was done is about the Anti-bribery Management System (SMAP). Attended by all of the employees in the KFTD headquarters, this activity was intended to deliver the importance of implementing the anti-bribery management system within the ecosystem of KFTD by preventing, detecting, and handling bribery in the company.

Enforcing the Laws of Corruption

There are ethics that should be applied to every employee of KFTD. These ethics, along with the legal basis, are explained in a published manual and can be downloaded by everyone, indicating transparency in preventing any legal issues that potentially occur in KFTD. The manual stated that the practice of KFTD corruption is highly prohibited, and every convict will be punished according to Indonesian law. This principle applies to every employee, including the board of commissioners and directors.

In conclusion, KFTD is well aware of the danger of corruption practices within the company. Through preventive actions and regulations, it is expected that the legal issue, especially corruption, can be avoided.

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